Glorious Gluttony Read online

Page 10

  But he must have pushed the clip release on his gun as he did because it falls to the ground with a clatter. The stunned look on the face of the gun man is hysterical. Laughter bubbles up, spilling out of my mouth. He scrambles to pick the clip up and shoves it back into the gun before pointing it at us again.

  The driver rolls his eyes and mutters, “Fuck” before saying, “Shut up bitch. Tell the children to get in the car and we’ll let you go.” I snap my head to the man talking to me. I can feel my eyes change color, and the wrath part of me that comes from Nolan creeps to the front. I pull the girls close, wrapping my arms around them.

  “Not a fucking chance, buddy.” A shocked look crosses his face, and he shakes his head before looking towards the other gunman, who shrugs his shoulders. They both look a little bewildered at my reaction. “What do you care? They’re not your kids. Are they worth your life?” the long-haired man asks.

  “Who told you they're not my children? They may have not come from my womb, but they’re all mine and nobody is taking them from me.” I snarl at him, and the driver growls in frustration.

  “Fine, hurry up and get in before I start putting holes in one of you. I don't need you all to ask for a ransom.” Zoe starts to cry, but Aria is being very brave, tugging on my hand.

  “Come on Mom, lets just do what they say.” I nod my head, and I help the girls into the van.

  As I start to climb in, the passenger stops me and holds out his hand. “Phone. And put the passcode in,” he demands.

  Grabbing it out of my pocket, I enter my passcode and hand it to him. He shoves me in, and I stumble, sprawling across the floor of the van. It smells like paint and grease, and my nose wrinkles as the girls crowd me in their fright. He takes my phone and snaps a shot of us. He types something, and he must hit the send button before dropping it to the ground and smashing it under his foot. Damn it, maybe these guys aren't as dumb as I thought. Though I’m not sure who he sent the message to. I haven't got any of the guys’ numbers on my phone yet. I’m kicking myself at the oversight.

  He pulls the door shut and climbs into the front. There’s a wall between us and the cab, and the driver must be already seated as the van starts straight away and we begin moving. Stupid of them really, not being able to watch us but I’m not complaining.

  Zoe is crying huge gulping sobs, and Aria’s brave face has crumbled. Her tears are silently streaming down her face. Pulling them close and wrapping my arms around them, I kiss them both on the cheeks. “Don't you worry. I'll get us out of this, and remember your daddy is a big bad bounty hunter. These guys are not going to know what hit them.”

  Glancing around the back of the van, I look for something I can use as a weapon. They weren’t very smart leaving me untied. There’s a huge pile of junk stacked in the back of the van. I’m not sure if they’re hoarders or maybe junkyard collectors, but the range is certainly eclectic. There are some old paint tins stacked on a shelf. They're not going to be helpful unless I can get the drop on one of them, but that still leaves the other. Damn it.

  My anger starts to rise again and my stomach rumbles. The stress is making me burn through my energy quicker. I had snacks in the bag, but the backpack is still sitting in the park on the picnic blanket. I give Zoe to Aria to hold, and I continue to hunt for a weapon, searching through the junk in the back of the van. A toolbox supplies me with a screwdriver. I shove it into my back pocket and pull my shirt over the top. It may come in handy. There's also a box cutter, and that goes into the other pocket of my jeans. There’s a shovel, but it’s not like I can hide that on my body, so I leave it where it is. Thank goodness they weren't really thinking clearly when they shoved us in here. Moving back to the girls, I settle down and pull them back in

  Nolan must know we’ve been taken by now. How long until he finds the abandoned car at the park? And then, how are they going to find us from there? My heart starts to sink. But an idea from the story I read the girls last night crosses my mind. Moving over to the side of the van and pulling out the screwdriver, I use it to jimmy open the only window as wide as I can. I then start to throw things out of the window, leaving a trail for the guys to follow hopefully. The gunmen mustn’t be paying attention to the side mirrors, thankfully. I must look like a madwoman, because Zoe’s sobs ease and a giggle escapes her mouth.

  Moving away from the window, I wipe her face down, looking at her. “Good girl, be brave for me now. Maybe the two of you can pass me things to throw.” A shaky smile crosses her face, and she and Aria start to hand me things. I pile them next to me to drop periodically out the window. Maybe a cop car will drive past and see me throwing all the junk out. That would be a miracle.

  I started with the biggest things I could fit out the window that would draw the most attention, but I’m now down to knick-knacks. Out goes an old beer sign, a dashboard hula dancer, a bobblehead Einstein figure, some pewter cups, and a bunch of fake flowers. Aria passes me an item and looking down at it, it's like nothing I’ve seen before. It's a long clear cylinder with a plastic tube attached to one end running to a bulb. Pumping the bulb a couple of times, it dawns on me. Oh fuck! Gross! It too, quickly gets ditched out the window. Holy crap. Who carries a penis pump in the back of their van?

  The next couple of things the girls pass are some magazines with naked ladies on the front, and they too get very quickly thrown out the window. I'm going to need to use hand sanitizer when we get rescued, and so will the girls. Luckily they are so busy concentrating on what to throw next, they don't pay too much attention to the pictures.

  Before long, I'm down to throwing individual tools out. A definite trail of breadcrumbs for the guys to follow. How much further have we got to go? As I think this, the van slows. It turns a corner. Panicking, I open one of the tins of paint and pour it out the window, hoping it leaves enough of a mark for them to know we turned.

  Peering out the window, I can see we are in a wooded area. From the feel of it, the road is gravel. Zoe and Aria get bumped around, so I abandon the throwing and pull them close to secure them so they don't get hurt. I make the decision then and there that I am going to do everything demonly possible to get these two beautiful children, who have welcomed and embraced me into their lives, back to their dad. I want to tell them to run for the forest and hide, but they're just too young. So, it’s up to me to keep them safe.

  “Okay, listen up girls.” Their big eyes are wide with fright, but they seem to be over their initial panic. “What I need you to do when we stop is to stay behind me. No matter what happens. Do everything the bad men say, please. I need you to be safe. If we can get away, we will.” They both nod their heads as the van comes to a stop.

  Chapter Fifteen

  AS THE VAN SLOWS, I quickly open another tin of paint and move closer to the door. Hopefully, the kidnappers will both be standing there when it opens.

  Both the front doors slamming sound like bullet shots to me, loud and shocking as my heart races, waiting for them to come and let us out. It feels like forever. The anticipation wraps its hands around my throat and squeezes. Pulse racing, throat tight, I wait. The door handle being activated thunders in my ears and the sliding of the door is like nails on a chalkboard to my heightened sensitivity. Finally, it opens all the way, exposing the greasy, gun-toting kidnappers to my wrath.

  With a war cry, I fling the paint in their direction. It explodes outwards in a wave of white, but not anticipating the weight of it, it also drags the tin out of my hand. That too flies in their direction. As I watch in surprise, it flies straight at the driver's head, hitting him with such force that his eyes roll into the back of his head, and he drops to the ground like a sack of shit. I couldn’t have planned it better if I tried.

  Momentarily stunned, the girls cheering behind me draw my attention, and I look to the other kidnapper. The paint covering his face has blinded him.In his surprise, he’s knocked the clip release to his gun again, and it drops to the floor. He follows it down, scrambling around on the g
round to find it, the paint hampering his efforts.

  While he’s distracted, I grab the shovel from the back of the van. Channeling my inner Xena Warrior Princess, I go all gangsta on his ass, smacking him in the back of the head. He collapses face-first into the dirt, out cold. Breathing heavy, I lean on the shovel to catch my breath and gain my bearings. “Damn straight, I’d make a good bounty hunter, and not just because of my tits and ass.”

  Dropping the shovel, I gesture to the girls and help them climb out of the van quickly. Turning to survey where we are, I notice a cabin off to the side. Looking around, there doesn't seem to be any other cars. Putting my finger to my mouth to tell the girls to be quiet, we approach the cabin carefully. The steps up to the door creak as we cross it. Peering in through the small window in the door, it looks like to be a single room, and it’s empty of people. Turning the handle and pushing it open, I gesture for the girls to stay out while I have a look. They both look unsure but listen and remain where they are.

  Tiptoeing into the room, I look around. It’s quite obvious no one else is there. “Girls, come inside quickly.” They enter, and I quickly close the door and lock it. Then rethinking it, I open the door. “Stay here,” I tell them and run back to the unconscious kidnappers. Rolling over the man I hit with the paint tin, I can see his nose is bleeding, but his eyes start to flutter and a groan leaves his mouth as I search his pockets. I’m looking for the keys to the van, but he must have left them in the ignition, and he’s waking up too quickly for me to look for them.

  Grabbing his mobile phone, I jump back, falling onto my ass as he makes a sloppy grab at my hand. Luckily, he’s still disorientated. Climbing to my feet, I pull my foot back and give him an almighty kick in the balls. His face contorts with agony, and he clasps his hands over his nether regions as he rolls over and vomits into the dirt.

  “You fucking bitch,” he rasps , “When I get my hands on you... oof....” I step on his back as I move to grab the gun he lost off to the side. Quickly, I move to the other man I knocked on the head with a shovel and grab his weapon and the lost clip. He’s also starting to come round, and I don’t have time to search his pockets.

  Taking the phone and the two guns, I race back to the cabin, slamming the door shut behind me and flicking the lock. Throwing the phone and weapons onto a little coffee table, I turn and study the lock. It doesn’t look very sturdy. Nearby is an old fashioned roll-top desk. I go to it and try and push it towards the door. It’s so massive that even with my enhanced demon strength, it moves slowly. What is this thing made of?

  I almost get it there when there’s a giant crash against the door, and it shudders, bowing inwards, the latch rattling with the force. The girls scream in fright and they both run over. Together, we get it moved in front of the door, making entry into the cabin difficult. Looking around, I can see another couple of windows, but they have bars in them, so they won't be able to come through there.

  Collapsing back onto the small sofa, a woosh of air escapes my lungs. Wiping the sweat that has gathered on my brow, I push away a couple of tendrils of hair that are also sticking to my face. Both girls cuddle next to me, and I just breathe. The adrenalin rush is starting to leave my body, and I’m starting to shake. Tears gather in my eyes, but I hold them back, not wanting to frighten the girls.

  Leaning forward, I grab up the mobile phone I took, swiping the screen. My hope is shattered when the passcode screen comes up. Damn it! It’s passcode protected. I try a couple of obvious ones. I press zero six times. Wrong. I push one, two, three, four, five, six. Also wrong. Huffing in disgust, I throw it back onto the table in defeat and study the guns. If I really have to, I could probably use one to defend us, but I’m going to leave them where they are unless I get desperate.

  Another crash against the door has us all jumping. A little scream escapes Zoe’s mouth, and I hug them to me tighter. “Okay, girls, it's okay; we’re just going to sit here until they get bored or Daddy finds us.” This time, there's another crash against the door, and the lock splinters and the door opens slightly, but the desk holds. They must have both hit it with their bodies. If they do it a few more times, they’re going to be able to get it open.

  Looking around the one-room cabin, I search for somewhere to hide the girls. In the back corner, there’s a bed. Going over to it, I look underneath. It’s dusty but a big enough space for a five and three-year-old to hide. Gesturing to them, they come over to where I am. “Climb under here and stay there until I tell you to come out.”

  Aria grabs my hand, “No Mom, it's not safe; stay here with us.”

  I give her a kiss on the cheek. “Aria, honey, I’m the adult, and I need you to look after Zoe while I’m looking after both of you. Can you do that for me, my precious girl?” She looks at me, her face serious and solemn, but nods her head. I give her another kiss and then Zoe. “I’m so proud of both my brave girls.” They crawl under the bed, and I pull down the valance to cover them up. Rolling my eyes, I know it’s the most obvious place, but at least it’s something.

  While we’ve been doing that, the banging against the door has stopped.When I go back over to the little window and look out, I can see them both sitting on the steps, looking a little worse for wear. I listen to the conversation.

  “Fucking hell, she’s a menace,” a voice growls. This brings a small smile to my lips. They haven’t seen anything yet. My stomach rumbles in hunger, and I look around the cabin. In the opposite corner to the bed is a tiny kitchenette. Going over, I open one of the cupboards. There are a few cans of beans and things. Closing it, I open the other and find a packet of granola bars. Grabbing out three, I go back over to the bed and slide them under. “I’m sorry, that's all I could find.” Two little voices thank me, and I stand up, opening mine, and wander back to the small window to continue to eavesdrop while munching on my snack. Let's see what kind of information I can pick up.

  “What are we going to do? The contract was just for the girls.” One of the guys says, but their backs are to me, and I can’t tell which one.

  “Bloody hell, Chuck, don’t you think I don’t know that? When I get my hands on that bitch, I’m going to fuck her up. I think my nose is broken and she sent my balls into my throat; they’re still throbbing,”

  Ok, so Chuck is the passenger, not the driver.

  “Hand me your phone, that bitch took mine.” I can see Chuck reach into a pocket and hand the other guy is phone. He swipes his finger across the screen a couple of times and holds it to his ear. “Yeah, it's Randy. We got the fucking girls, but there's a problem.There was a woman with them, and we had to take her too.” I can see his head duck, and he holds the phone away from his ear. Whoever he's talking to must be yelling. He listens and turns to look at Chuck. I can see the side of his face; he’s grimacing. “You want me to what? No way! I didn’t agree to anything like that. I might want to hurt the bitch, but I’m not going to kill her.” Holy crap, my pulse accelerates again. Kill me! He continues to talk. “Yeah, ok, we’ll wait until you get here.” He must hang up because he starts talking to Chuck. “The boss is on the way to take care of the problem.”

  I watch as Chuck turns to look at the door. I duck down so he can’t see me. “What are we going to about her? How are we going to explain to the boss she got the drop on us and locked herself in the cabin? This is a mess, Randy. I didn’t sign up for this. And now the boss wants to kill her.” Standing up, he paces back and forth in front of the cabin. He has managed to somehow wipe most of the paint from his face, but his shirt is stuck to his body.

  Randy stands up and turns to look at me through the window. “Listen, bitch, I don’t want to be involved in any murder. Here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to get in our car and drive away. We’re going to disappear for a while, and you aren't going to say anything about us. The boss is the one you want anyway. You keep quiet about us, you hear?” His head cocks to the side, and he waits for me to answer.

  Thinking about it, I nod my
head and agree. I want to know who’s behind this and why. “Okay, but you’ve got to leave me behind the shovel. Put it on the porch when you leave. And no warning your boss that I’m armed. I don’t want to die, and you don't want me too, and I need to defend myself from the boss.”

  “I don't fucking care. We’re out of here. We won’t say anything to the boss.” Neither of them waits for an answer. I watch them both run to the van. Chuck picks up the shovel and runs it back to the cabin while Randy slams the side door closed. Both hurry and get into the cab. The van roars to life, and in a cloud of dust, it quickly turns and heads back down the dirt drive, fishtailing in its hurry to leave. Waiting, I watch until the cloud of dust left behind starts to settle, ensuring they’re not returning before I relax and begin to plan for the mastermind.

  Chapter Sixteen

  TAKING STOCK OF EVERYTHING in the cabin doesn't take long. It's minimalistic at its best, but a search through the cupboards reveals a few things to me. Next to the bed, a little cabinet produces a bottle of talcum powder, some razor blades, and a small desk fan. Out of the kitchen cupboard comes five bottles of maple syrup; not sure why you would need five, but I’m not complaining, and the tins of beans. Off the bed, I grab a feather pillow, and leaning up against a wall is a fishing rod, tackle box, and a lantern sitting next to it. I pull off the fishing line and grab a packet of tiny little ball-bearing sinkers out of the tackle box. There must be at least one hundred of them.

  Piling all my finds on the little coffee table, I call the girls out from under the bed for a break. I’m not sure how long we’re going to have to wait. Maybe Nolan will get here before the mastermind, but I really don't want to have to get my hopes up and have them dashed. So I better be prepared.