Glorious Gluttony Page 11
I ignore the guns for now. Yeah, one could probably end the conflict quickly, but if the boss has their own weapon and starts shooting as well, I don’t want to put the girls at risk of being hit by a stray bullet. So, channeling my best Macgyver/Charlie’s Angels, I plan some booby traps.
Again, the girls and I use all our muscles to move the roll-top desk back where it was initially. Once out of the way, the door swings open, the latch busted by the force of the kidnappers banging against it. Oh well, nothing we can do now, and we want the boss to enter the cabin.
Going outside, I walk around the cabin to examine what I’m working with. Out back is an outhouse, and next to that is a little shed. It’s filled with various tools and junk, but nothing much in the way of weapons except for shovels and things, and I’ve already got one of those.
But for safety's sake, I decide that the girls can hide in there until I deal with the boss. Going back to the house, I grab the lantern and some of the blankets off the bed and go back to the shed and make the girls a hidey nest. They follow me and watch what I’m doing. “This is going to keep you safe and out of the way. I want you to stay here until I come and get you. Maybe you can tell each other stories or play a game of eye spy. I need you both to be brave.” They argue a little but both agree to hide if they can help me set up the booby traps. Reluctantly, I agree, and they follow me back out to help.
On the side of the cabin is a hose. Pulling it around to the front, I ask the girls to make the ground soggy, wet, and muddy just in front of the steps. With great concentration, her tongue poking out between her lips, Aria operates the hose while Zoe points out the bits she’s missed. They bicker the whole time, but a smile crosses my lips at the thought that they are distracted and not scared for a moment.
While they do that, I take the fishing line and tie it across the second step up into the cabin. Set down low, no one should see it as they climb up, especially if they’re distracted by the mud before it.
Once the girls are finished, they put the hose back. I then take them back to the shed. “Thank you for your help, but I need you to hide now. It can't be much longer before the bad people arrive.” Giving them both a kiss and a hug, I help them into their nest. Both have teary eyes, but they swallow down the fright and climb in together, snuggling close.
“Now, remember you have to be very quiet. If you hear the door handle open, you need to stay very still and not make a sound.” Nodding their agreement, I cover them up. As I walk out of the shed, I look back, but it isn’t apparent that two little girls are hiding under the blankets. With worry, I leave them; it’s all I can do now to protect them.
Going back to the cabin, I avoid the mud and fishing line. Picking up the shovel Chuck left behind for me, I go into the cabin and leave it inside. I grab the ball bearing sinkers and scatter them across the cabin porch. Phase one is complete. If they’re not disorientated and distracted by the time they get to the door, I’m not sure what we’ll do, but fingers crossed it works.
Closing the door as far as it will go, I grab a pot from under the sink. I pour the maple syrup into it. That's five liters of maple syrup. Taking the pot and pulling a chair over to the door, I crack it open.Using the chair, I place the pot on the door, off-center and leaning slightly against the door frame to ensure it will fall forward, soaking whoever comes through in maple syrup.
Dragging the chair back a bit, I place it in front of the door. Pulling the other one to sit behind it, I set the fan on that one and plug it into a nearby socket. Going into the kitchen, I find a knife and start shredding the pillow, putting all the feathers from inside on the chair in front of the fan. Finally finished setting up, I grab the shovel and place it next to me, taking a seat on the sofa.
The adrenalin ups and downs from today have exhausted me. My energy is at an all-time low, and I don’t think I could conjure a tissue if I needed it. Thank goodness for my obsession with old movies and tv series. I lean back to close my eyes just for a minute. I’m just going to catch my breath.
I’M NOT SURE HOW MUCH time passes before the sound of a car on the gravel driveway wakes me from my dozing. My heart rate ramps up and the nerves and anticipation kick the adrenalin into high drive. Standing up, I wipe my sweaty palms on m jeans and stretch my tired body out. It’s go time. I want to go over and have a look at who’s coming, but I need to be sitting behind the fan to turn it on.
I crouch down low behind the chair to make me a less visible target while I wait. I can hear voices, but they are indistinguishable. Come on, what are they doing? My muscles start to complain; pulsing bites of pain arc through my calves and thighs when I can finally hear something.
“Where are those two idiots? Where’s the van?” A man’s voice sounds irritated. They don't sound like they’re coming any closer. Crap. I hear a murmured reply but can’t make out what is said by the other person. “Well, if they’ve gone to get food, one of them better still be in there. Look. The door’s cracked open.” More murmuring. “If he’s taking a shit, he better hurry up. Come on, let’s get on with this.” The man sounds pissed off.
They must both step into the mud at the same time, as I hear swearing and exclamations of annoyance. Is that a woman's voice I hear? Before I can overthink it, a rush of things occur. They must both trip on the fishing wire, and then the sinkers continue to unbalance them; the cursing gets louder. The scraping of shoes and the loud thuds of unbalanced footsteps also ring through the cabin.
I’m sure if someone could see me now, the wicked grin on my face would be scary.
“What the fuck is this?”
Before I can blink, the door bangs open, and like a slow-motion camera shot, I watch in shock and surprise as the maple syrup bucket drops, covering Bridgette and her lawyer in five liters of maple syrup. The pot hits the lawyer on the head. Like Randy before, he falls to the ground, knocked unconscious by the force. Huh wasn’t sure if that would work or not.
A screech leaves Bridgette's mouth, but before she can do anything, I quickly flick the switch on the fan. As the fan reaches top speed, fluffy white feathers fly towards her like heat-seeking missiles. Immediately she becomes covered, the feathers sticking to the maple syrup still dripping down her body. Coughing and spluttering, she starts spewing threats. “When I get my hands on you, bitch, I’m going to make you suffer. Take my man and my children and my money. You stole my lif......”
The ringing of the shovel smacking her in the face is music to my ears.
“No bitch, you did that all your self. And they’re my men and my kids.” The feathers and syrup must have blocked her view. Not being smart, she didn't even think I would come after her because the woman doesn't even flinch as I swing. The sound of her thudding to the ground is muffled as her lawyer breaks her fall. The gun in her hand, which I hadn't noticed, clatters to the floor next to her.
Shit, she really was serious about killing me.
Looking around, I run back to the bed and grab another blanket out of the box next to it. Laying it down on the floor, I roll Bridgette and her lawyer onto it. Searching through their pockets, I pull out Bridgette’s phone and the keys for the lawyer's car. Folding the blanket across their bodies, I wrap them up like a Christmas present. Using more of the fishing line, I wind it around the blanket continuously, running up and down the length, using the whole amount before tying it off. If they wake up before we can get rescued, neither of them are going to be able to get very far.
Rolling the package like a sausage, I push them out the door. The sound of lead sinkers running across the porch in its wake reminds me to be careful where I step. Stepping up to it, I pull my foot back. With a shove, the unconscious bundle tumbles down the steps. Wincing, I watch as both of their heads smack together on the way down.
Ha that’s going to leave a bruise. Just to make sure they don't get any ideas if they wake up. I run around to the side and take the hose off the tap. Running back, I add it as another layer, securing them tighter than a teenager in skinn
y jeans.
Finally finished, I sit back down on the steps, huffing out a breath and wiping the sweat from my brow. Studying the lump, I shake my head. The poor girls. Their mother’s a real piece of work. I don’t think I’ll tell them.
Heading back into the cabin, I grab the shovel, the phone, keys, and a glass of water. Going back to the step, I sit down. My stomach rumbles, the sound loud in the silence of the wooded area. Taking a sip of water to soothe my dry throat, I examine the phone, but like the other one, this too is passcode protected. Throwing it at the couple in my disgust, it bounces off the blanketed bundle and lands in the mud. Shrugging my shoulders, I leave it there. It’s not like they're going to need it when they wake up.
Finishing my water, I grab the keys, using the remote to pop the trunk to the boot of the car when a faint sound draws my attention. Looking towards the driveway, the noise gets louder. Through the trees, I can see blue and red flashing lights. Staying where I am, I wait.
The wailing sirens get louder, and the dust from the driveway leaves a cloud in the wake of the police car and the pimped-out SUV flying down it. The police lights reflect off the dust, hanging suspended in the air, before slowly dissipating. Watching with interest, the cars come to a screeching halt beside the lawyer's car. Jumping out of the cop car and SUV, five men with guns drawn approach quickly.
Standing up, I put my hands on my hips, lifting one foot up onto the bundled kidnappers, I strike a pose. “Well, it’s about damn time. Lucky I’m no damsel in distress. I’m the hero of this story.”
The two cops come to a halt, their look of shock at the bundle under my feet is laughable. The other three men don't stop, but their guns do drop down before they surround me. I don’t know how they manage it, but all three wrap their arms around me at the same time. Squeezing me tight and covering me in kisses, their jumble of voices is reassuring and comforting.For the first time since the van pulled up at the park, I’m able to relax. The relief at seeing them brings all my emotions to the surface and I promptly burst into tears.
Chapter Seventeen
AFTER GIVING ME PLENTY of kisses and wiping my tears, the guys pull back, looking me over to reassure themselves. “Glory, where are the girls?” Nolan asks, looking around with a panicked, worried look on his face.
“They're hidden in the shed out the back,” I tell him, pointing to the back of the cabin. He turns to leave, but I lurch forward, grabbing his arm. “Um, just wait a second, will you? I don't want them to see this.” Looking back at me with confusion on his face, he stops.
As one, the four of us turn back towards the cops. They’ve managed to remove the hose and the fishing line and are finally unwrapping the blanket to reveal the culprits.
“Fuck.” Carter's voice is a growl to the side of me.
“Is that...” Louis trails off, his French accent thick with emotion.
“You have got to be kidding me.” Nolan brushes past us and heads towards the two still lying on the ground. Louis and Carter jump forward and hold him back.
“Let me go!” he shouts at them, struggling, “I’m going to kill the bitch.”
I step in front of him, grabbing his chin and forcing him to look at me, “Nolan, stop!” I demand, “She's not getting out of this, Don't do anything you’ll regret. Please,” I beg. The anger in his eyes fades, and he nods his head, dragging me in close and holding me.
We watch as the cops place handcuffs on them both. The lawyer, whose name I can't remember, has a bump on his forehead the size of an orange. That pot must have been more substantial than I thought to cause that kind of damage. Giggling quietly, I turn to look at Bridgette and smile in satisfaction. Unlike the polished, stylish woman who came to our door, she looks a mess. Her dark hair looks like a bird has made a nest in it. When I rolled them, she must have gathered things as she went. It's got feathers, sticks, and mud in it. Her face is a mess. Her nose has to be broken and she has two black eyes. Not only that but when she opens her mouth, it’s a mess. Bloody and painful-looking, I may have knocked out a few teeth, or definitely loosened them.
Grunting and groaning, neither of them protest much as the cops read them their rights and help them into the back of the police car. One cop climbs into the driver's side, but the other makes his way back to me.
“Ma’am, we need you to come down to the station and give your version of events, please.” Nodding my head, I gesture back to the cabin.
“In there you’ll find a couple of guns. I didn't touch the one on the ground, but the two on the coffee table will probably have my prints on them. They came off the other guys.”
Drawing his gun, the cop looks around in confusion, “What other guys? Where are they?”
“At ease soldier,” I say sarcastically, “They were smart enough to get out of dodge while they had the chance. But I can give you a description and a number plate.” Holstering his gun, he relaxes slightly.
“Alright, come down to the station as soon as you can.” He turns to Nolan. “I’m relying on you to get her there.” Nolan nods his assent, and the cop gets into the passenger side.With flashing lights, they disappear down the driveway again, more dust being kicked up into the air.
“Thank god the trash has been taken out.” I sigh as we watch it disappear into the woods. “Come on.” I grab Nolan's hand, and with Carter and Louis following, run to the little shed out back, slamming open the door and calling the girls’ names. They both poke their heads out of their little nest, and their eyes light up when Nolan shoves me out of the way. Smiling, I watch as he throws himself at them, pulling them close and covering them with kisses. Carter and Louis squeeze past me as well and join the pile. The love in my heart swells even more as I watch my family back together and safe again.
AFTER RESCUING THE girls from the shed, we pile into the big black SUV and drive home. The girls, obviously feeling better now that they’re safe from harm, keep the guys entertained with the story of our ordeal. Turns out, it was the trail of crap that I threw out the van window that found us. Someone had seen me doing it and rang the police and reported it. The guys were at the police station reporting our kidnapping after they’d received the photo of me and the girls from my phone. They found the abandoned car and my smashed phone and had gone straight to the police. They joined the chase when they went to investigate. All three just had a strange feeling it was me.
When we get home, I have a quick shower, and Louis prepares me a meal while I wash up. I eat until I feel like I will pop. The ordeal has left me feeling wrung out, and all I want to do is curl up in my bed with my mates. But that will have to wait. While Nolan takes care of the girls, Carter and Louis run me to the police station to make my statement.
They both sit and hold my hands for the two hours I go over the whole ordeal. I tell them about Chuck and Randy and how they both got cold feet when a phone call to their boss, the person who hired them to kidnap the girls, turned into something a little more than they bargained for.
The police, Carter, and Louis all have a great chuckle as I tell them about the way I had gotten the better of Chuck and Randy. I give them a description of them both ,a license plate number, and a description of the van. I don't think it will take much to find them. They didn't seem all that smart to start with, though they’ll probably be offered plea deals for testifying against Bridgette and her lawyer.
As for Bridgette, her lawyer is singing like a canary. He only had a slight concussion and was released to police custody. Bridgette is a little worse for wear and is being kept for observation at the hospital, handcuffed to a bed overnight. Her nose needs to be set and a dentist needs to look at her loose teeth.
The lawyer says it was all her idea. He confirmed she’d run out of money. When the plan to try for custody was thrown out like a joke, she was furious and planned the kidnapping. She was hoping to ransom the girls for a significant amount, knowing that Nolan would do anything for them. My growl of disgust is echoed by both Louis and Carter at the thought that t
he biological mother of those beautiful girls cared so little for them and that they were just a means to an end.
When she received the phone call from Randy about me, she was practically giddy with joy. An opportunity, gifted to her, to take care of the other problem. Me. She had every intention of putting a bullet in my brain and hadn't cared that she would be scarring the girls for life, the lawyer told the cops.
God, I'm glad we left Nolan at home. The three of us agree he probably doesn't need to know that bit, as it would just make him feel worse.
Finally, we’re allowed to leave after being reassured that Bridgette wouldn’t see the light of day for a long time and would probably be someone's bitch very soon. On the drive home, the guys tell me again about how they’d received the anonymous text that we now realize must have come from Bridgette’s or the lawyer's phone. That must have been who Randy had sent the photo he took of us, too. They told me about how Nolan's wrath demon had lost control when they got to the park and found the abandoned car, picnic blanket, and backpack. Apparently, there wasn't much of the tree that we’d set the blanket under left behind once he’d taken out his frustration, his wrath demon at full capacity due to the situation.
Resting my head on the window, I feel my eyes start to close. tTe sound of the guys murmuring to each other lulls me into a restless sleep. Visions of Randy and Chuck flash through my mind. Bridgette’s sneer and the girls’ frightened, tear-stained faces all roll around in the dark. I can feel my body twitch subconsciously. I’m not in a deep sleep but not quite aware either.
The car rolling to a stop and doors opening and closing draw me further out of the nightmares.A pair of arms wrapping around me and carrying me finally wakes me enough to open my eyes and look around. The rooms and walls move past as Carter brings me upstairs to our bedroom. Louis leads the way, opening the door, and Carter strides in. Nolan is already there, his shirt off. He’s sitting up in bed with a book in hand. A relieved smile crosses his face as Carter places me down next to him. Putting the book down, he snuggles next to me as I watch Louis and Carter both strip down.